Saturday, January 16, 2010


Ryan: I'm thinking of a number from 1 to 10. Try to guess the number.

Wendy: Why?

Ryan: It's a game. Come on. Guess.

Wendy: I don't want to play.

R: Why not?

W: I don't trust you.

R: What do you mean you don't trust me?

W: You'll change your number.

R: No way! I wouldn't do that.

W: Yes you would. I know you. You would do anything to win.

R: No I wouldn't. I wouldn't murder.

W: No. But you would change your number.

R: I'm shocked that you would think that of your husband.

W: OK, OK. I'll play.

R: OK. I'm thinking of a number.

W: Is it si...

R: Wrong!!! Hahahaha! You lose.

And here's some Christmas pictures:

Doing crafts while waiting for Santa to come.

Wendy would not put Gideon down. We may have to buy one of our own soon.

Christmas at Grandma B's! (Lots of delicious ham)

Christmas at Aunt Judith's! (Even more food. Lots of delicious desserts)

My first white Christmas (though a day late) When we got home that night, Wendy chased me down an entire block trying to hit me with a snowball.

The best food when it's snowing? Dairy Queen ice cream, of course.

Got my Midwestern steak... Louisiana style. Heh.

Nick wins. Wendy and I went out for pizza with Lornette and Lauren. They're two motorcycle girls I used to ride with. The pizza dinner was to repay Lornette for removing my stitches. She's a nurse. I got stitches because I had a mole behind my ear the dermatologist didn't like.

Short story long, Lauren watched the movie Avatar and she said it looked too realistic to be considered a cartoon.

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