Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dear Nick

Dear Nick,

The year is 2032.  You had brain surgery.  It was a success.  They  found it.  Let me bring you up to speed.

Ada is now married.  Growing up she was a handful.  She used to drive Emily crazy with some wild antics, but somehow, she managed to get pretty decent grades.  In high school she discovered boys.  She dated a string of ne'er do wells until she met Steve in her first year of college.  At first we thought he was yet another kid who would amount to nothing, but it turned out he really cared for Ada and worked really hard at making her happy.  They got married after he graduated, and they bought a house nearby.  Steve is managing a construction firm (he always preferred working with his hands) and, despite my best efforts, Ada got into education.  She's finishing up her masters in early childhood education.

Gideon was a quiet kid at first.  He wasn't shy.  Just quiet.  You know the type.  He ate slow.  Drank weird tea-based drinks instead of soda.  Loved baked chips instead of fried.  He went through a vegan phase, but that ended quick when he missed eating tasty cow.  I think he started opening up in high school when he started taking art class.  After he graduated, he took a trip around the world, backpacking.  Now he's in college taking early European art philosophy or some other non-marketable degree.  But we love him, and no, he's not gay.

Conan was just here last summer visiting us.  He seems to be quite the athlete.  He's on the varsity football team.  He's on the special teams.  While he's not super good looking, he's a decent kid and he does have his share of girls.   May have something to do with the long snap or something.  It's OK if you don't remember him.  Emily had him while you were asleep.  Don't worry.  He's yours.  Just watch the World According to Garp and you'll figure it out.  For some strange reason though, he loves arts and crafts.  He's the one who knitted that hat you're wearing.  I blame Aunt Elspeth.

Oh, Elspeth.  Once Wendy and I got a house, she moved out here and thrived.  She married Donovan, a nice Filipino guy.  Keeping the McDowell tradition alive with the choice of men, eh?  So the bad news is that you're no longer the favorite son-in-law.

Welcome back.

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