Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hoosier Daddy?

Say that title slowly.  I was doing that on the drive to the store today.  Got Wendy pretty annoyed too.

My Hoosier Mom and Hoosier Dad send me a card for my birthday.  Although it was one day early, I opened the envelope, just in case it was Ding-dongs.  Inside the card was some money!

"That's the same amount of money they gave me for my birthday, and I'm related to them," cried Elspeth.

Guess we know the pecking order for kids in the McDowell family now.  I'm right up there with blood.

Thanks mom and dad.  We used the money to get lunch at Garden Island Barbecue.  That's a restaurant I've been asking to go to for the last month, but always get vetoed.  With the remaining money, we're going to try and pick up a nightstand we saw on craigslist.

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