Wednesday, August 24, 2011

When Babies Shower

On Saturday, August 6, Aunty Lucy Kawate and Jackie Jenkins held a baby shower for me and baby Kishida.  About 17 people showed up for the big event.  We had a luxurious brunch catered by Grinds Cafe.  It included fruit plates, a vegetable tray, baskets of yummy pastries, and trays of breakfast sandwiches and wraps.  All of the food was great!  We played a couple very tame games.  The first game was to get to know everyone.  We each got a piece of paper with the alphabet written on it.  Then, we had to go around and meet each person at the shower and write their name next to the letter in the alphabet that their name started with.  If you met someone who's name started with a letter that you already had, then, they had to give you a boys name that started with that letter.  In the end, whoever had the most alphabet letters covered, was the winner.  Edith Sakai came in first place because she was creative enough to use people's first and last names.  The rest of use were just using first names.  The second game involved splitting up into two groups.  Each group had to sing a baby song to the other group.  Which ever group had the best performance was the winner.  My group sang "Rock a Bye Baby."  We lost.  The other group sang "The ABC's."  They added in some swinging side-to-side movements.  Who can compete with choreography?  All in all, it was a great time.  I got lots of useful gifts.  Most of it was baby stuff, but I got a few mommy gifts too:  some chocolates from a couple thoughtful people and a gift certificate for a massage!  I have eaten all of the chocolate already and I didn't share a single piece with Ryan.  Of course, he doesn't like nuts and most of it had nuts in it, so he didn't really try to eat any.  Can't wait to have that massage!


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