Sunday, October 23, 2011

Teenage Preview

Mason is getting over his baby acne.  I warned the poor kid that since mommy and daddy had acne, his teenage years will be full of angst.  However, I told him the upside will be that it will build character.

This was before removing a 3 lbs diaper.

This is after. 

On a different note, since I'm on leave, I had sufficient time to be totally annoyed at our kitchen light fixture.  It was a square fluorescent fixture that looked like a wooden box.  Straight out of the 80s.  Whenever it would get cold or rainy, you would have to flip the switch many, many times to get it to turn on.  This is even with new bulbs.  And Lawai gets rainy and cold a lot.

So when I went into town to get my Hep B shot, I stopped by Home Depot and picked up a track light fixture.  I was telling Wendy that it would be no problem to change, and she said I just jinxed myself.  Sure enough, since the fluorescent fixture had all the connections inside itself, there was no junction box in the ceiling.  I had to install one.  Not a tough job, but messy.

So now we have lights with one flick.



  1. Nick wanted me to tell you that he also had a 3lb diaper and that it doesn't get cold in Hawaii. "What, like the lower 70's?"

    That is awesome that you get to take leave too. Your light is also very nice, and Mason is adorable...before and after. I can see the McDowell side of him in the after shot.

  2. I see the electric bill skyrocketing with that fixture.... bring back fluorescent!!
    Cute kid...
