Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year!

Saint Nick

So a quick update while Wendy is giving Mason a bath.

Home Depot finally restocked the GU10 LED bulbs; a week after I bought a more expensive brand from Lowes.

Mason seems to be doing well at the daycare.  Wendy is back at work.

We're seriously entertaining the idea of getting the GE Geospring Hybrid Water Heater.  Our last full month's electric bill was over $240.

Jess is coming back to Kauai for a visit.  She'll be our first real house guest.  Elspeth doesn't count because she was an indentured servant.

And now some pics and videos:



That's going from 250 watts to 27.5.

Here's the one day of snow while we were in Indiana:

Ada hiding from the camera:

Ada and Gideon on Quaaludes:

Gideon, Lord of the Prance:

Grandma playing with Mason:

Nick making Mason cry:

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