Monday, April 30, 2012

April Updates

Well, we got our electric bill for March.  In November, we paid $240.  December, we weren't here for half the month.  Both January and February cost us $187.  So what was March?  $127.  The new water heater cut $60 off our bill.  At that rate, it will pay for itself in about 2 years.

When we got our tax returns, we planned on getting the Elspeth Suite carpeted.  We went to Home Depot, and after what seemed like hours, we decided on a carpet.  We paid a $50 deposit, and were told we would be contacted the following Monday by a flooring guy to measure our room.  Monday came and went.  Wendy had to call HD on Wednesday for them to arrange for someone to come out on Thursday.  Then about 2 weeks after we had picked out our carpet, HD called to let us know they lost the order.  Wendy, though furious, went back in to try and fix their mistake.  Wouldn't you know it?  They discontinued the carpet we wanted, and they dumped all the samples so we couldn't find the one we chose.  So we went to a local company instead.

We went to a place called Harvey's Flooring.  It's a local business that's been around for over 35 years.  We chose a really nice carpet and a couple of days later the boss came to measure the room.  A few weeks after that, and voila, carpet installed.

Anyway, Mason is now eating baby cereal.  He can't crawl yet, but he's getting there.  Here's some videos:

1 comment:

  1. Mason is adorable, as always. He gave a "Ryan" look in the eating video. Wendy was possibly the most entertaining part of video #3. Did you get your deposit back from HD?
