Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Honeymoon Pics

So we finally went on our honeymoon. Instead of spending money flying to paradise, we just drove to the other side of the island. Made sense since we kind of already live in paradise.

We rented a 1 bedroom condo out at Hanalei Bay Resort for the Thanksgiving weekend.

It was a rainy day when we got there. Check-in was at 3:00, so it was no biggie. We weren't going to go to the beach or anything that late. We had also just spent an hour playing the Walmart Game. That's where you buy a gift for someone so long as they can find an item with the exact price you specify. I gave Wendy $1.12. She gave me $0.96.

She found a set of bag clips for potato chips. I got a can of kidney beans. There was seriously only 1 item in the whole store with that price. That item was a cleaning sponge. The only reason why I got the beans was because someone mislabeled it.

The next day was a lot clearer. So we slept in late, then headed into town to get some lunch.

Wendy LOVES pizza!

After lunch, we jumped in the pool. Wendy froze. That's what happens to twigs. She loved the hot tub though.

The next day was also a sunny day. We headed into town and got some Chinese food for lunch. The Chinese place had a little puppy that nibbled on our toes. In the meantime, a tourist couple went in to check out the food. They were looking for low-carb Chinese food. What the heck is that? That's like going into Chick Fil-A and asking for veal.

Then it was To the Beach!

Right after check-out. The rains came back. Heh. Do we have good timing or what?


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