Sunday, April 25, 2010

Playing House

Today is Sunday, and Wendy went off to church.  I had planned to go riding on my motorcycle, but I have this really nasty pimple on my forehead, and it hurts to wear a helmet.  So I stayed home instead.

When Wendy got home, we decided to do something for lunch.  We headed down to my parents to drop off some food for Kyle.  It was a dinner special from Wendy's restaurant... Kobe beef burger with garlic cilantro fries.  Mmmmm.

Once at my parents', we took stock of their groceries and decided to cook whatever came to mind.

Microwaved baked potatoes with cheddar cheese was first.

Second was a pasta dish.  I sauteed some garlic and added diced SPAM.  Wendy boiled the spaghetti noodles.  When the noodles were done, we mixed in the SPAM and some butter.  Topped it off with optional Parmesan cheese. 

It actually turned out pretty darn good.  Maybe next time we'll think of something to make out of canned corned beef.

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