Friday, July 16, 2010

I'm a Homo...

...wner.  The title has been recorded in our names and now we own the TARDIS house.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dogsitting is Hard Work






Maybe we should think about hiring a landscaper too.  I wonder if we know anyone who does landscaping...


We get the keys to the house tomorrow!  We've already purchased a washer, dryer, and lawnmower... though it looks like Bank of America mowed the yard one last time today.  I also have 9 door knobs/deadbolts ready to go, including an electronic keypad.  Woooooo!  We'll be all high tech so we don't lock Elspeth out of the house.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Weekend Recap

Here's the weekend recap for all of you not stuck in the tropics:

Friday day was spent signing loan and title papers.  Elspeth wandered around the block (heh, now she's been around the block a few times) checking out the local stores while we were signing papers.  We later got Elspeth a pair of hiking/walking shoes in preparation for a big hike we got coming up.

Friday evening was spent grilling hamburgers on Jess's gas grill.  Mmmmm outdoor grilling.

Saturday day Wendy brought over some of my chocolate cream pie to Aunty Lucy.  I can't remember what I was doing while she was gone.  I think I watched Red Cliff, a movie about a major battle during the Three Kingdoms period of ancient China.

Saturday evening, Elspeth, my mom, my mom's friend, and I went to the bon dance in Waimea.  It was rather small with little people compared to the other bon dances we went to.  The lack of crowd did have its advantages though.  There were no lines for food.  We got some andagi (the doughnut thing I made during Christmas that looked like cow scrotum) and some authentic flying saucers.  Elspeth got to see how they made them and also got to eat one.  She liked it!

Elspeth learns a dance from my mom.

Sunday morning I spent some time looking up door locks.  One of the first things I'm going to do to the house is change all the locks.  The previous owner used to have his construction crew stay at his house.  We're not sure how many keys might be out there, so prudence suggests changing all the locks.

One of the brands I was interested in was Kwikset.  They have nice looking knobs, and some of their locks have a feature called Smartkey.  With Smartkey, you can rekey a lock in seconds without having to remove the cylinder.  Since I need 4 knob/deadbolt combos and 1 keyed entry set, Smartkey would let me set all those locks to work off one key without having to pay extra to have the store rekey the cylinders.

Lucky I did some research.  There have been many complaints about Smartkey.  It seems some locks randomly reset themselves, locking their owners out of their own homes.  And since it is a complete reset, even the original keys don't work.  I'm going to pass on that and think about going with Schlage... though I'm not sure how to pronounce the name.

Sunday day we head off to the other side of the island.  The McDowell clan did not venture to the north side of the island, so this would be a new experience for Elspeth.  We grabbed lunch at a Burger King.  Argued over Edward or Jacob.  Stopped by a grocery store for drinks and ice.  Wendy managed to pick the slowest checkout line.  She has a knack.  Then off we went to Hanalei, home of Puff the Magic Dragon.


Hanalei Beach Park.  Located on the windward side of the island.  The windward side gets most of the rain, so it's lush and jungle looking.  It's also a favored destination for tourists (though tourists like the dry, sunny south side of Poipu too) and expats from the mainland.


Let's get a picture to show Emily.  Smile Elspeth... no, a real smile...

What do you mean, 'a real smile'?  (throws hands in air) *click*



Hanalei Bay.


My wife getting naked.  She decided not to swim and stayed on the beach reading magazines.  Her entire front-side got roasted medium-rare.


On the way home, we couldn't wait for dinner.  We stopped at Pizza Hut to eat.  When we got inside, my co-worker Penny (6th grade social studies teacher) kept calling out to me.  I was later told that she was trying to show her daughter and friends who their 8th grade teacher was going to be.  All I heard was, "blah blah blah Mr. Kishida blah blah."  I'll apologize for being rude the next time I see her... which will be on the 20th.  We have to go in and work on some pacing guides together.

When we were leaving Pizza Hut, Wendy took over the driving duties.  I was beat from the heat and swimming, so I asked Wendy if we could go home, shower, leave off our clothes, and just hang out.

"Honey, if we don't have clothes on, you'll surely be hanging out," Wendy said as she put the car into drive.

Sunday night almost zzzzzz but Wendy sat up in bed and started talking house stuff.

Monday morning zzzzzzzzz    !!!!!!!!!!!!  Landlord banging hammers preparing forms for a new concrete slab.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lose a Bet with God?

Last night, Wendy and I spent the evening reading A Year of Blind Dates to each other.  We took turns reading alternate chapters out loud.

After a couple of chapters, I looked at Wendy and said, "I don't think Megan is a good Christian."

"Why?" Wendy asked.

You see, although Megan, the heroine of the story, is a good person who sometimes is a bit too critical of others, she's a selfish Christian.  When she signed up to a special matchmaking dating service, she stated that she wants someone who shares her faith and that was a non-negotiable.  And that's fine.

She attends church regularly.  She is a member of a Bible Study group.  She prays regularly.

So what makes her a bad Christian?  Well, after a series of bad dates, she has a breakdown in her car, during which she has a conversation with God.  Now here's the part that bugged me.  She stated several times in earlier chapters that she trusts God, but in her car she questions his plan.  Not really looking like trust, but it could be a moment of weakness due to stress.

But here's the kicker.  She demands a reward.  From God.  For being good. 

She tells God that she's been a good Christian.  That she's always trusted him.  That she believes in him.  Then she says because of that, he needs to give her someone to keep her from being alone.  Even I don't have the brass ones big enough to give God an ultimatum.

"I'm that kind of Christian," Wendy retorted.

"You make demands of God then throw fits if you don't get it?" I asked.

"No, not really.  But when the funding for the spider research was running out and I had several job options, I asked God to help me and give me a sign.  But he didn't and I was like, 'come on!  Just give me a little hint!'"

"I think that's different.  You weren't telling God to give you a job because you go to church."

"True," Wendy replied, "but like Megan, I was lonely too and I kind of argued with God about it."

"And who won that argument?" I asked.

"I got you, don't I?"  Wendy smiled.

"So you lost."  And I smiled right back.


Wendy has field work today.  She took a helicopter over to Makaleha.

According to my students, it's like she has the man job and I have the woman job.  She rides helicopters to study endangered plants out in the middle of nowhere.  I'm doing laundry and making a chocolate cream pie.


Our official closing date on the house is the 16th.  We're going to go in to the bank tomorrow to sign a bunch of paperwork.  After we get the title, Elspeth officially becomes our slave... errr servant.

Unfortunately, after all the waiting, delays, setbacks, etc (we've been on this deal since February), closing feels rather anti-climactic.  It's like all the banks sucked the fun out of buying a house.  Oh well.  Guess we'll get our jollies from picking on Elspeth.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Hey, check this out.  Hawaii has the highest percentage of mixed-race marriages in the nation.  Thirty-two percent of the HI married population are mixed race.  (article here)

You know what that means?  The longer Elspeth stays here, the greater her chances of marrying a non-white guy.  Woohoo!  She'll be carrying on the family tradition of multiracial inclusiveness.  I love this family.  Not only did one daughter marry a Mexican, but the other daughter also married Nick!

Stay tuned, Kiddos.

Fourth of July Weekend

It all started with Wendy saying, "we should take Elspeth to the beach."  Wendy Didn't want her little sister to be in Hawaii for a week and not been to the beach.  So off we went to the most upscale retailer of swimsuit fashions:  Walmart!  (We're poor, and I also needed a new pair of shorts since my waistline has been growing faster than the economy.)

On Sunday, Wendy took Elspeth to church.  I guess the sermon about Tiger Woods being a Buddhist made him cheat and thus his game sucks according to Fox News, would have gone over better if they didn't serve coffee in the middle of the service.  Little Sis had to sit outside and didn't get her free breakfast or smoothie.

But things got better.  We had Pizza Hut for lunch.  Mmmmm.  Pizza....  Then we hit the beach!

I think you guys remember the beach.  Salt Pond.  It was really sunny.  Barely any clouds in the sky.  And the water wasn't too dirty from the rains the day before.  It was rather clean for Salt Pond.  So we spent a couple of hours swimming and sun bathing on the warm sand, under the bright Hawaiian sun.  Sure beats having to do mortal combat with stupid neighborhood boards.

For dinner, I busted out the grill the Wiersums left us.  Made some might good tasting steaks.  Seasoned with Hawaiian salt.


Purple sweet potatoes too.

Elspeth claims it was the best steak she had ever had, and ate everything except for one last bite.  Goes to show that Wendy married me for my culinary prowess.

That night, when we were alone, Wendy and I did something married couples rarely do.  We read to each other out of a book Wendy borrowed from Jess' place.

The next day, while Wendy was sleeping, I used the internet and computer to do what all normal males do with the internet and computers.  I played video games and watched old school music videos on Youtube. 

We picked up Elspeth on the way to Poipu for lunch.  We got the usual burgers and fries.  Wendy had a fish taco though.  Then we checked out all the overpriced shops in the shopping village.  There was a cute outfit in a window that Wendy and I thought was nice, but the price tag said otherwise.  $150 for blouse and skirt?  No way.

We finished the day with gelato.  Yummy yummy gelato.  My tongue still aches from having to lick up all that delicious, creamy, chocolatey Belgian Chocolate ice cream.

So, how was 4th of July in Indiana?  :D


So we got a general contractor to come out to the house.  He reported that the roof should have 12-15 years of life left, and the damaged shingles are not causing immediate damage and should be replaced some time in the future.

Our loan officer emailed me this morning about homeowner's inn-sewer-ants.  She asked who we were going to go with since we're at that stage of the process now.  I'd like to be optimistic and say that we could be closing at the end of the week.  However, I'm learning that buying a house is a study in Murphy's Law.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Flat Elspeth

What do you do with a Flat Elspeth? (Think Flat Stanley)


Take her through Hanapepe Town and bring her on the Swinging Bridge.


Take her to lunch at a local cafe where she gets to try real saimin and not the instant ramen she grew up with.  Then watch as Wendy explains what's in the saimin.  Flat Elspeth learned that the real thing does NOT taste the same as the instant.


View the Hanapepe Valley near the dead carcass of a feral pig that some jerk hunter left behind.


Take her to her job orientation.


Have her meet Hunny the dog and remeet Jess.


Go over the job responsibilities, including not to panic if you hear screams of terror next door.  It's just the nursing home's demented patients.


Learn how to cope with living in frikkin paradise in a beautiful house.


To take care of a self-maintaining dog.


While walking in the tropics.


You can also take your Flat Elspeth to see the Menehune Fishpond.  It's an ancient Hawaiian fishpond used for aquaculture.  It was said to have been built overnight by a race of mythical beings known as the Menehune.


Pose by Wailua Falls, the scene from the opening of Fantasy Island.  Boss, boss, the plane, the plane.


Be a spokesmodel for the GE Geospring Hybrid Water Heater.  It heats water using a heat pump.  Like a refrigerator in reverse.  With Hawaii's warm air, it would save a bunch of money on electricity.  However, the home buyer tax credit got extended, so if we finally do get the house, we have money for a solar heater.


Avoid local food by going to a deli sandwich place.  Notice the product placement.  Hawaiian Sun Guava Nectar.

So that's proof that Elspeth is alive and well.  We are treating her kindly and feeding her.  If you wish her to remain safe, send us $1 million dollars in small, unmarked bills.


After three days, we finally found a contractor that will come out to the house and do a roof inspection.  Sigh.  This house thing has been keeping me up late at night.  We're starting to cut things close to the 7/16 deadline.