Monday, July 12, 2010

Weekend Recap

Here's the weekend recap for all of you not stuck in the tropics:

Friday day was spent signing loan and title papers.  Elspeth wandered around the block (heh, now she's been around the block a few times) checking out the local stores while we were signing papers.  We later got Elspeth a pair of hiking/walking shoes in preparation for a big hike we got coming up.

Friday evening was spent grilling hamburgers on Jess's gas grill.  Mmmmm outdoor grilling.

Saturday day Wendy brought over some of my chocolate cream pie to Aunty Lucy.  I can't remember what I was doing while she was gone.  I think I watched Red Cliff, a movie about a major battle during the Three Kingdoms period of ancient China.

Saturday evening, Elspeth, my mom, my mom's friend, and I went to the bon dance in Waimea.  It was rather small with little people compared to the other bon dances we went to.  The lack of crowd did have its advantages though.  There were no lines for food.  We got some andagi (the doughnut thing I made during Christmas that looked like cow scrotum) and some authentic flying saucers.  Elspeth got to see how they made them and also got to eat one.  She liked it!

Elspeth learns a dance from my mom.

Sunday morning I spent some time looking up door locks.  One of the first things I'm going to do to the house is change all the locks.  The previous owner used to have his construction crew stay at his house.  We're not sure how many keys might be out there, so prudence suggests changing all the locks.

One of the brands I was interested in was Kwikset.  They have nice looking knobs, and some of their locks have a feature called Smartkey.  With Smartkey, you can rekey a lock in seconds without having to remove the cylinder.  Since I need 4 knob/deadbolt combos and 1 keyed entry set, Smartkey would let me set all those locks to work off one key without having to pay extra to have the store rekey the cylinders.

Lucky I did some research.  There have been many complaints about Smartkey.  It seems some locks randomly reset themselves, locking their owners out of their own homes.  And since it is a complete reset, even the original keys don't work.  I'm going to pass on that and think about going with Schlage... though I'm not sure how to pronounce the name.

Sunday day we head off to the other side of the island.  The McDowell clan did not venture to the north side of the island, so this would be a new experience for Elspeth.  We grabbed lunch at a Burger King.  Argued over Edward or Jacob.  Stopped by a grocery store for drinks and ice.  Wendy managed to pick the slowest checkout line.  She has a knack.  Then off we went to Hanalei, home of Puff the Magic Dragon.


Hanalei Beach Park.  Located on the windward side of the island.  The windward side gets most of the rain, so it's lush and jungle looking.  It's also a favored destination for tourists (though tourists like the dry, sunny south side of Poipu too) and expats from the mainland.


Let's get a picture to show Emily.  Smile Elspeth... no, a real smile...

What do you mean, 'a real smile'?  (throws hands in air) *click*



Hanalei Bay.


My wife getting naked.  She decided not to swim and stayed on the beach reading magazines.  Her entire front-side got roasted medium-rare.


On the way home, we couldn't wait for dinner.  We stopped at Pizza Hut to eat.  When we got inside, my co-worker Penny (6th grade social studies teacher) kept calling out to me.  I was later told that she was trying to show her daughter and friends who their 8th grade teacher was going to be.  All I heard was, "blah blah blah Mr. Kishida blah blah."  I'll apologize for being rude the next time I see her... which will be on the 20th.  We have to go in and work on some pacing guides together.

When we were leaving Pizza Hut, Wendy took over the driving duties.  I was beat from the heat and swimming, so I asked Wendy if we could go home, shower, leave off our clothes, and just hang out.

"Honey, if we don't have clothes on, you'll surely be hanging out," Wendy said as she put the car into drive.

Sunday night almost zzzzzz but Wendy sat up in bed and started talking house stuff.

Monday morning zzzzzzzzz    !!!!!!!!!!!!  Landlord banging hammers preparing forms for a new concrete slab.

1 comment:

  1. We have Kwikset. They used one key for during construction, and then it was reset when we closed. Pretty convenient. Hopefully, that resetting on it's own thing never happens, but we do have multiple entry points to our home (also nice they all take the same key). I totally want to move though.

    Hey, did you get punched in the arm for mentioning Wendy's comment about you "hanging out?" I've never heard her say anything like that, but I guess I can imagine it. Very funny to think of. Nick said, "I would say it."
