Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fourth of July Weekend

It all started with Wendy saying, "we should take Elspeth to the beach."  Wendy Didn't want her little sister to be in Hawaii for a week and not been to the beach.  So off we went to the most upscale retailer of swimsuit fashions:  Walmart!  (We're poor, and I also needed a new pair of shorts since my waistline has been growing faster than the economy.)

On Sunday, Wendy took Elspeth to church.  I guess the sermon about Tiger Woods being a Buddhist made him cheat and thus his game sucks according to Fox News, would have gone over better if they didn't serve coffee in the middle of the service.  Little Sis had to sit outside and didn't get her free breakfast or smoothie.

But things got better.  We had Pizza Hut for lunch.  Mmmmm.  Pizza....  Then we hit the beach!

I think you guys remember the beach.  Salt Pond.  It was really sunny.  Barely any clouds in the sky.  And the water wasn't too dirty from the rains the day before.  It was rather clean for Salt Pond.  So we spent a couple of hours swimming and sun bathing on the warm sand, under the bright Hawaiian sun.  Sure beats having to do mortal combat with stupid neighborhood boards.

For dinner, I busted out the grill the Wiersums left us.  Made some might good tasting steaks.  Seasoned with Hawaiian salt.


Purple sweet potatoes too.

Elspeth claims it was the best steak she had ever had, and ate everything except for one last bite.  Goes to show that Wendy married me for my culinary prowess.

That night, when we were alone, Wendy and I did something married couples rarely do.  We read to each other out of a book Wendy borrowed from Jess' place.

The next day, while Wendy was sleeping, I used the internet and computer to do what all normal males do with the internet and computers.  I played video games and watched old school music videos on Youtube. 

We picked up Elspeth on the way to Poipu for lunch.  We got the usual burgers and fries.  Wendy had a fish taco though.  Then we checked out all the overpriced shops in the shopping village.  There was a cute outfit in a window that Wendy and I thought was nice, but the price tag said otherwise.  $150 for blouse and skirt?  No way.

We finished the day with gelato.  Yummy yummy gelato.  My tongue still aches from having to lick up all that delicious, creamy, chocolatey Belgian Chocolate ice cream.

So, how was 4th of July in Indiana?  :D


So we got a general contractor to come out to the house.  He reported that the roof should have 12-15 years of life left, and the damaged shingles are not causing immediate damage and should be replaced some time in the future.

Our loan officer emailed me this morning about homeowner's inn-sewer-ants.  She asked who we were going to go with since we're at that stage of the process now.  I'd like to be optimistic and say that we could be closing at the end of the week.  However, I'm learning that buying a house is a study in Murphy's Law.

1 comment:

  1. The dance moves in that video were so sweet. lol I laughed so hard I actually teared up. I'm going to have to watch it a few more times so I can learn those kick cuss moves. Mullet + "wife beater" undershirt + jean jacket + shorts = ? Hmm...I'm not sure what that was...Ryan in the '80s? You could totally be mistaken for a young Brandscomb Richmond if you had a mullet!

    btw...4th here was pretty boring...Gideon went to bed at his normal time, then woke up when the fireworks started, but cried when I took him outside to watch, so I sat on the couch with him watching a movie until he fell back asleep. Purple sweet potatoes? Sounds/looks weird and like I need to try them.
