Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's a . . .

It has been a while since our last blog.  Ryan has been taking an on-line course to get his Master's degree in reading skills.  It requires a lot of writing, so he hasn't been too keen on writing in other venues like our blog.  In the mean time, our life has been changing in big ways.  That is why I have decided to step up to the plate and try adding some up-dates. 

Just to get everyone up to speed since the last blog, this is what's been going on.  Elspeth, my sister, moved back to Indiana.  I think she had a good time while she was here, but she was home sick.  Since being back in Indiana, she still hasn't gotten a job, but she has been pursuing her love of painting and is actively trying to sell her work.  To check her art out on etsy.com, search for "art by Elspeth."  The plumeria painting is of the flowers in our back yard.  The floss tree is something that she was working on while she was here.  We have an original orchid painting by Elspeth in our foyer.  Keep up the good work Elspeth!

On the house front, there is not much to add.  We have settled in and are just doing routine maintenance for now while we save up to re-shingle the roof.  Hopefully we can check that off the list this summer. 

Speaking of this summer, Ryan will venture to take twelve 7th and 8th graders to Washington DC (and back).  Many of these kids have never been off the island, so this is going to be a huge change for them.  Pray for him... he'll need it.

Now of course, the BIG news that everyone has already heard... we're having a baby!  The due date is September 30th.  I am showing, but not a lot yet.  The first trimester was terrible.  AND, what everyone wants to know...it's a BOY!  We had the ultra sound appointment today.  We haven't picked out any names yet, but we're leaning toward either Thor or Conan.


