Saturday, February 25, 2012

Weird Noisy Things

Remember the weird thing in this picture?

We bought one of the water heaters next to it after we got an electric bill for $240.  Since we're using more electricity at home due to Mason, we figure it would save us money in the long run.  It works like a fridge in reverse.  Instead of cooling the insides, it heats it.  It uses 65% less electricity than a regular electric heater.  While it is running, it sounds like a loud microwave since it has fans to move air through the heat pump.  (The pipes go straight up to clear the air filter access.)

The heater cost $1500, but we should be able to get a $300 rebate from the power company.  Luckily I had a bunch of savings bonds from the 90s.  We cashed those in and bought the heater.  The leftovers are going to other improvements around the house.

Like these $20 light fixtures Wendy got me to replace the totally 80s brass fixtures that were in our hallway.


We also got a new TV stand.  We wanted one with doors that we can put a child-lock on to keep Mason from breaking stuff.  The LED TV is now mounted to the wall on a full motion mount.

Jess and Aaron also spent several nights in the Elspeth Suite.  Looked like they really enjoyed their visit to Kauai.  They both claimed that the Elspeth Suite was really comfortable, and they left us a Home Depot gift card.  Guess they were hinting that I need to fix it up?  Heh.  Just kidding.  I was working on the laundry room while they were here, so they knew what I wanted.

We'll be using some tax return money to finish up the Suite before our next guests arrive in October.  I need to patch up a little bit of drywall, paint, then carpet the floor.

Mason had a doctor's appointment.  He's still above average in length and weight.  He's 26 inches long (75-90 percentile) and 15 lbs 8.9 oz. (50-75 percentile).  He might have a future in Sumo.  He's been rolling on his side from his back a lot, but hasn't quite made it all the way over.  I think his big, heavy head acts like an anchor.  He's become way more vocal too.  He baby-talks sentences... even while mommy and daddy are talking.

1 comment:

  1. Haven't we seen that box of light fixtures before? Hmm...It reminds me of something...I just can't put my finger on it. lol
