Saturday, May 8, 2010

D&D 3.5 Adventures

I know Wendy was talking with Emily while I was gaming.  Wendy didn't know what was going on since I wasn't done yet, but I filled her in during lunch.

Unfortunately for Nick, I heard he had to go back to work.  He's missing out the nerdy fun and geeky goodness that is Dungeons and Dragons.

Here's the write-up from the DM of our current 3.5 edition campaign:

So what happened:  I try to only recap information that everyone would know, in case people want secrets.  I believe all events were shared with the party "in game" so I'll cover everything.  My summaries are always brief, so if anyone wants to embellish, please do.
Last game you guys finished being healed at Maral’s place.  Finding he wouldn’t be of any help, you decided to try and track things down on your own.
Our monk and gnome wizard went into the dense forest to search for missing children.  Shortly after, they were attacked by a black skinned, sickly-looking goblin.  The goblin would not reason and seemed to be crazed. The monk knocked him out and tied him up.  They left him behind, expecting him to eventually free himself and go on his way.  Not too far away, they found a huge dragonfly-like bug up in a tree.  It was eating part of the goblin they had left behind.  The bug was quickly squished.  A second one behind it got away and started flying back the way they came.  The adventurers let it go.
The group then came to a very small hamlet.  The resident gnome knew it to belong to a group of recluses that had moved out of the city years earlier.  The entire population was dead, eaten (and still being eaten) by giant bugs.  Seeing a single giant dragonfly, our monk ran to squish it.  On the way, he was ambushed by two giant beetles.  Poisoned, the monk eventually succumbed to the bugs sleep spell.  However, with the gnome behind him firing away his crossbow, the bugs were destroyed and all was well.
To their sadness, the two found Brother Silence’s friend, Thorn, dead at the site.  He had obviously been in a large battle with about a dozen of the bugs.  Before burying his friend, Silence claimed the magic gloves the Minotaur was wearing.  Known as the Fists of the Shadow Sun, the gloves allow a monk to inflict negative energy damage to an enemy target and follow it up with an equal amount of positive energy the next round (healing).
With a natural 20 search check, the group found more goblin tracks.  They followed them to a thin line of smoke in the middle of the woods.  Battle weary, the two went back to town.
In town they reunited with their elf and dwarf group mates.  They also learned that a way station town between the inner island mines and the main city had been completely wiped out.  Eldiana and Maral were heading there to investigate.  Silence advised that it could be the same as the giant bugs they had run into.
The next day, the rested group went back to the smoke in the woods.  On the way, they were attacked by more black goblins.  Reaching the smoke, they found a cottage in the woods.  It was surrounded by half a dozen of the little goblins.  Inside the cottage they could see a young boy tied up.  An old woman was forcing him into a huge cauldron, eventually pushing him in.
The group fought to the cottage to save the child.  When they reached it, they saw the child climb out.  However, now he was covered in a thick black skin making him look exactly like a goblin.
A fight with the witch breaks out.  Poor Torrin seemed a threat when he narrowly missed her, and got a scorching ray to the face (4d6 damage) taking him to -3 in one shot.  The gnome was next to be dropped.  But finally, our noble monk came running in and with a great pound to the face, took the witch out.  He then used the last of her hit points to heal the fallen allies.
In the end, the two wizards determined the witch had been performing a ritual of some sort.  She required the sacrifice of 20 virgins and was nearly complete.  With her death, all the children returned back to normal.  Unfortunately, the party had slaughtered all but one of them.  The cottage and nearby area was covered in dismembered, beheaded and disemboweled bodies of young children.

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