Friday, May 21, 2010

Inspector Livingston I Presume

When we last left our heroes, they were accepting Bank of America's counter offer.  Since then, they have gone back to American Savings to redo their mortgage application to reflect the new price.

With the new price and new application comes a new set of conditions to fulfill to get the final approval on the loan.  When the Teacher received the email with the set of conditions, he went into full stress mode.  It played on his mind so heavily that he had a hard time teaching his next class.  When he got home, he waited for the Botanist to return from work to share the news.

The Botanist seemed unaffected by the stress of paperwork.  "No problem," she said, "we have it all under control."

That night, the Teacher graded papers while the Botanist searched and found nearly all the paperwork we needed to complete the loan application.


What happened is this:  when we decided we were going to try to buy a house, we immediately consolidated our savings into the highest interest savings account we had.  Then we started saving money like the ant who knew the grasshopper would starve.  By doing that, we easily increased our savings by over 100% in 5 months.  That's a big red flag for the government.  They want to make sure we're not terrorists or drug dealers, so they're requiring we provide evidence of our deposits... which Wendy had.  Yay!

The moral of the story is that Wendy is really kick ass with paperwork, but she cannot do the hole-in-hand illusion because she ran out of childhood.


After dropping off our paperwork to American Savings this morning, we met the home inspector at the Tardis house.



I'm going to have to cut down all that stuff in the front of the house.


This jungle in the back yard is gonna take some work to kill.


The dining room viewed from the living room.


From the living room.


The Tardis with some guy who vowed not to cut his hair until he owned a house.

After the inspector was done, he went over the stuff he found.  No major issues with the house.  Just a bunch of TLC items such as lubing the window mechanics and fixing screens.  We also got a copy of the home inspection that was done for the previous owner.  Pretty much the same thing.  So to us, we see no reason not to buy the house.


  1. Mortgage rates hit a new low today... you guys are buying at the best of times..... Jess

  2. It's been a while...So? Are you homeowners yet?
