Thursday, March 18, 2010

Double-Edged Sword and Other Baby-Rearing Thoughts

I just read an interesting article today.  It was about a study on child-rearing.  Funny how the term for raising and nurturing a child also means a butt.  I digress.  Anyway, the study looked at dual-income families with 8 month-old children. 

In a nutshell, men are screwed.

According to the study, if men help with child-rearing, and do so successfully, then the women lose their self-esteem.  The authors of the study feel that the cause is due to traditional family roles.  Moms are supposed to be the moms.  If dad is as good as mom, then mom feels threatened.

On the other hand, if the dad does not help out enough, then the moms feel like they are over-burdened and it hurts their self-confidence that they are not able to do their mom-duties.

See?  Men are screwed.

It gets better.  If the man does help out, and he does things differently, the moms get more stressed and feel that the dads are just making more work for them.

I told Wendy that if we have a baby, I'd have to choose how she would be mad at me.  In that case, I would choose not to do anything at all.  That way, she'll only be mad at me in 1 way rather than 2.

Or maybe I'll do what Nick does.  I'll help out, but I'll make sure I do it so poorly that Wendy will beg me to not do anything.

(Unfortunately, I've used up my monthly quota of hyphens.  Tune in next week; I'll use my yearly quota of semicolons.)

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