Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Cybermen:  Identify...

Dalek:  Identify...

Cybermen:  You identify first.

Dalek:  Identify...

Cybermen:  You identify first.

Dalek:  No, you identify first.

Cybermen:  You identify.

Dalek:  Daleks never take orders.  You identify first.

Cybermen:  So, you are Daleks.

Hahahaha! Netflicks is a wonderful thing when you got broadband.

Update on the Tardis House:  The seller's agent contacted our agent and let her know that the bank received all necessary documents needed to continue phase 1.  Now we're supposed to wait for a BPO.  That's a Broker Price Opinion.  A real estate agent or other qualified person will determine the market value of the house.  They should take into account similar properties in the neighborhood, sales trends, repairs, and other costs involved with getting the property ready for sale.  The seller's agent estimates a couple of weeks for this to get done.  After that, we can enter phase 2 where the bank can accept, reject, or counter our offer.

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