Friday, June 11, 2010

Celebrity Look-a-Like; Part 2 (and a big update)

OK, now try this one:


Does this goof look like...


Ken Watanabe in the Last Samurai?


Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones?


or Sean Connery as James Bond?


In other news, we FINALLY got the Bank of America written approval.  Over 3 weeks of waiting.  Even more crazy?  It's barely 3 pages long, and most of it is a standard form letter.  Sheesh.  No wonder Bank of America needed a bailout.

Hopefully we can close before the end of the month.  Our lender, American Savings, will try to push it forward as best as they can.  We've been told that 15 days is not impossible.  We're also going to capitalize on the meltdown of the Euro and get a kick ass mortgage rate.

(added in)
After Wendy read this entry, she asked, "where is the none-of-the-above choice?"

"You should have added a Mexican guy."

1 comment:

  1. Ken Watanabe for the Asian-ness, Sean Connery for the goofy look in that picture, but I agree with Wendy...Where's the none of the above?

    How about one of these guys:
    Branscombe Richmond
    George Lopez
    or Wayne Newton
