Thursday, June 3, 2010

Plenty of Fish

So Wendy is still camping in the mountains and I am totally bored at home.  I've spent over 2 hours tonight researching operating cost differences between gas and electric dryers.  Using our last utility bills, our cost for electricity is around 34-36 cents per kWh.  Our gas cost around $4.27 per therms.  Both of these expenses decrease as our use increase due to stupid customer charges (that we get billed for actually being customers) being spread over more units.

That being said, the difference between a gas and electric dryer might be only about $1-30 a year. if I can believe the websites I checked out.  Gas and electric stoves seem to be a wash, with microwaves and toaster ovens being cheaper to operate.

On the other hand, several websites reference the Dept of Energy's statement that gas dryers cost 15-25 cents per load and electric cost 30-40.  That makes a big argument in favor of gas.

However, that statement seems very general and broad.  It doesn't seem to consider regional differences.  I've also run across several statements that indicate natural gas and propane prices have been going up since 2006.  The price of natural gas and propane on Kauai is a lot higher than the mainland too.  The national average for electricity was 10.9 cents per kWh in 2010, for gas it was $1.22 in 2007.  (gas doubled since 1999)

Also, we're currently using gas for our water heater, dryer, and stove.  Granted we eat most of our meals at my parents', I doubt that our gas use would increase, and thus lower our average cost per unit.  This is because we're planning on getting a solar water heater on the TARDIS house when we can afford it.

So from where I'm sitting, it looks like we would save the most money by going solar for hot water.  We could possibly save some money by using a gas dryer IF gas prices remain stable or go down AND we do more than 5 loads per week.  We probably wouldn't save any money switching the electric stove for a gas one.  We'd probably lose money on installing gas lines.  However, cooking on gas is much better... it may have to wait until Wendy wins money on a game show.

***I still have to run this by Wendy and try to convince her that my findings are the cheapest options we have.  But she likes to shoot down my arguments with logic, sound reasoning, and facts.  She plays dirty.***

So I was watching (500) Days of Summer.  I liked this movie.  Wendy hated it.  That's why I'm watching it now.  She's in the mountains and can't stop me from playing it on the DVD.

In the movie, there was one scene where the friend of the main character was trying to console his grieving pal.  He said that there were plenty of other fish in the sea.  And you know what?  He's right.

That's right.  I'm here to tell you, without Wendy watching, that there are plenty of fish in the sea.  There's only one scary, gruesome Kraken though.  And that's my Wendy.  Sure there are many others, but there is only one Wendy.  Well... there are millions of Wendys.  Common name since Peter Pan.  But there is only one Wendy M. Kraken.  And she's mine.  Because I'm Poseidon, baby!

1 comment:

  1. Wow...I was pretty bored until the last paragraph and then I laughed out loud! I have a feeling you're going to trip and hit your eye on the doorknob tonight, or maybe you'll fall down the stairs. I do agree that cooking with gas is much better!
