Monday, June 14, 2010


A couple of weekends ago, Wendy and I took my mom to the first bon dance of the season.  The Obon season lasts during the summer, and the dances take place at different temples around the island.  My mom likes to get out of the house, see her friends, and dance.



If you're into taiko drumming like Kenny Endo, there are drum groups on the island that perform.


 One of the biggest thing at the Kauai bon dances are the flying saucers.  No, not spaceships.  These flying saucers are the edible kind.  They're toasted, circular sandwiches filled with a sloppy-joe type ground beef and some cheese.  The line to purchase flying saucers never got below 30 people the entire night.

So Wendy, being the loving wife that she is, let me buy a sandwich maker with her hard-earned tips.


My mission:  make flying saucers.

The problem:  I have no idea how.




For my first attempt, I tried using pre-made spaghetti sauce.


It came out OK, but not that great.  It's the sauce.  Wendy believes we could use my mom's spaghetti sauce and it would taste great, however, her recipe would make way too much filling than we could use.  So the quest is on for the perfect flying saucer sauce.

(Oh, apparently flying saucers are a Kauai thing.  I can't find any true recipes on the internet.)


House update:  Our lender, American Savings, sent out their appraiser on Saturday.  Now the bank is waiting for the report.  They'll also let us know if we need to turn in any more paperwork.  We also found a nice washer/dryer combo made by LG.  Home Depot have them for sale at near-Mainland prices.  Hopefully we'll know when our closing date soon so that we can buy the appliances.  There's a $300 coupon for Garnet Hill if we buy the LG stuff before the 26th.

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