Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Proud Owners

I'm happy to inform you all that Wendy and I are now proud owners of our very own indentured servant.

Notice she's raring to go.  Filled with superhero-like vigor.  We hope we can wait a week before we crush her spirit.

When we got back from dinner, we all watched a movie before bed. 

At first I thought it was going to be a raunchy excuse of a movie that relied on boobs and sex.  It turned out to be rather hilarious.  One of my favorite scenes had the whole 300 cheerleaders at cheer camp watching Bring It On and reciting the lines verbatim. 

Hehe.  Cheerleaders are so hilarious.  I wouldn't be caught dead being a cheerleader.


In other news, we got word from American Savings Bank.  They want a contractor to go out and inspect the roof.  Sigh...  Now we have to spend $100-200 to get someone to look at the broken shingles on the eaves to make sure it's not leaking.  I mean, it's a quarter inch drip edge on the asphalt shingles on eaves that extend a couple of feet past the house wall.  Duh.

But there's a glimmer of hope.  Looks like Congress is trying to pass the Home Buyer's tax credit as a stand alone bill.  It got 409 yea to 5 nay votes in the House.  Now it has to pass in the Senate, where Republicans have been busy trying to block anything that has to do with America.

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