Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Key to a Successful Marriage

Funny how a lot of people tell me that marriages take a lot of work.  I haven't found it to be all that hard so far.  Granted I've only been married 9 months, but still...  I find my days are a lot more fun when Wendy is around.

I have a theory on why I haven't found my marriage to be work yet.  First, you need to communicate.  I know a lot of people say you have to talk, but it's more than that.   A lot of people talk.  Some people even listen.  However, they're still missing the point.  It's not just saying and hearing; it's also understanding the meaning.

For example, one night while we were cuddling, Wendy rubbed my furry belly and said, "I love how soft your stomach feels."  A normal "man" would have thought that was cute and taken it as a compliment.  However, since Wendy is the man and I'm the woman in the relationship*, there was a deeper meaning.  The meaning was:  you're putting on weight since I first met you.

*I got up before Wendy and made fried egg and bacon sandwiches for her breakfast while she got ready for work.

The other day I made us lunch.  I was using leftover spaghetti sauce because I'm the woman.  Wendy didn't eat much so I asked her if she didn't like my cooking (total woman way of asking... esteem issues).  She said, "I ate some, didn't I?"  Translation:  Yeah, it wasn't that good.

Communication is a lot more than just words.  It's knowing the meanings behind the words.  Once you know that, you'll become a Buddha in Love.  And you'll also start exercising again.

Another key to a good relationship is having a symbiotic relationship.  Each partner needs to provide the other with something that they need to survive.  The trick, though, is that it can't be forced.  If you have to force yourself to provide something, then it's artificial, and bound to fail.  Lucky for me, our symbiotic relationship is pure nature.

My pores have the special ability to trap every single speck of dirt and grim to form blackheads.  Wendy has an innate need to squeeze blackheads.  Thus, my body automatically provides the blackheads for her compulsive need to squeeze.  And our relationship is stronger for it.


House update:  Been calling insurance companies for quotes on homeowners and hurricane insurance.  Got some interesting results.  One company wanted a thousand dollars more per year than the others.  How do they stay in business?

We also got some papers from the escrow company.  They gave us the reports on the property lines, taxes, liens, etc.  We also filled out some buyer's info papers.

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