Monday, June 7, 2010

Point of View

Since I'm currently on vacation, we went out to lunch at the Port Allen Bar and Grill.  It was a nice day, so we sat in the outdoor area, across the street from where all the tourists park to go on the boat trips.  I faced the ocean, and Wendy faced opposite me, toward the restaurant.

While we ate, we talked about a whole bunch of things.  One thing that came up was Sterling.  Sterling is Adin's brother's best friend.  He works at Captain Andy's boat tours.  Wendy said it would be funny if we ran into him.

Later in the meal, I looked behind me and noticed the restaurant was right next door to Captain Andy's.

"Hey, Captain Andy's is right there.  Maybe we can see Sterling after all," I said.

"Um, yeah... I know it's right there.  That's why I mentioned it," Wendy replied.

"Ah.  Well, it seems we have completely different perspectives of the world.  Mine faces this way," and I stretched out my hands to mark the boundaries of my field of view.  "Yours is the complete opposite," I continued."

I leaned in closer to Wendy.  "But you know what?  You're in the center of my world."

Wendy smiled.  Beamed, more like it.

"Yeah, you're totally blocking my view," I said while motioning for her to get out of my way.

Then Wendy gave me another look.  I think it was a cross between I-love-that-you're-so-funny and I'm-going-to-make-you-pay-for-that.


In other news, Chico, the world's dumbest dog, has managed to make himself useful.  While on his walk on the canefield road, he stopped to sniff around a bush.  When I looked at what he was sniffing at, we found a $20 bill.  Kaching!  Dog gets to live another month.


Still no word on the written approval.  The seller's agent went over to the house this weekend to clean it up a bit to make it better for the appraisal.  She even got the front yard mowed.  Other than a weird, out of place patch of tall green grass, the yard looks good.  I bet our friends will think we're moving in already.

1 comment:

  1. Awe, you are so sweet. I know exactly the look you are talking about. I have shot it at Nick hundreds of times. You two have similar senses of humor.
    And heck, yeah, dog! Now if only Gus would get a job...
