Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thanks Republicans...

H.R. 4213, a bill that would have extended the Homebuyer's Tax Credit until September, appears dead.  The bill also included an extension on unemployment. 

There was a cloture motion in the Senate today to end any filibuster attempts, and to move the bill along.  There were only 57 yea votes.  Three shy from preventing any filibusters.  No Republicans votes yea, and 1 Democrat voted nay.  The Senate will now be forced to debate the bill again... only problem is the tax credit and unemployment expires next week.

Looks like Wendy and I gotta suck rocks.  I also pray for those who got laid off.

(The underwriter is still reviewing our appraisal, so we're still waiting.  Less than 5 working days until the end of the month.)

Maybe Nick and I can start a business to ride out these tough times:

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